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When you visit our website, our website host, GoDaddy, automatically logs some data about you so we can understand where our clients come from and protect ourselves from hacking. Some of this data is logged via Google Analytics. This data could include your IP address, information about your browser, and other technical information about how your device asks for website data. By navigating to our website, you consent to the logging of such data.
Our website also uses cookies to help keep track of web traffic; you can decline these cookies if you donโt want to be tracked. Some cookies are created by our providers, such as PayPal, and are used so that you can pay for services or reserve a meeting time; if you donโt accept these cookies, the website services may not work as intended. We canโt control what our providers or other third parties do with data they collect from you, and we donโt know what they do with it either.
We collect additional personal information from you only if you use our contact form, sign up for a session, or purchase a book or other product; that personal information could include your:
That information remains in the systems of our providers such as GoDaddy, Ship Engine,, or PayPal, and we never transcribe any of your personal data into our own records. The security systems of our providers protect your data, and we never give or sell any of your data to anyone else.
If you give us your contact information such as your email, we use your email to send you news and updates about our practice. By giving us your contact information, you consent to such use. In the future, Jesse Lynn may offer new products or services, and if she does, she may use your contact information to market her new services to you. She will never give or sell your contact information to anyone else. If you want to opt out of our marketing, you can contact us at and we will take you off of our contact list.
When you have a session, we do not keep any additional data or client files of any kind, except that Jesse Lynn will take a photo of your tarot spread and send it to you; and Marsig Music retains the rights to any sound healing files Marsig Music sends you. Such sound healing files are for personal use only, and may not be redistributed in any way. These files are confidential, except that Marsig Music may use the files to make promotional clips as long as your confidentiality is protected in doing so.